
Final Post

Overall, practicing Yoga is a whole new experience. I learn so many new yoga postures that I can do at home. I would rather meditate if I'm ever feeling stressed out and doing breathing techniques that I learned. I would do yoga if my lower back feels tightened or uncomfortable. Believing in Yoga spiritually I would not. I never felt enlightened. When I practiced yoga, it feels like another sport to me practicing and focusing on my body. 

Day 10

Back at the lodge was the last class. At this class there were less students than there was a week ago. For this class we practiced more breathing. Breathing in yoga is important. Breathing is the the essence of yoga as it assists us in connecting with the subtle energy within. It is through the breath that we are able to navigate different levels of consciousness. Moreover, breathing consciously has a biological effect on our mental, emotional, and physical state. For some people yoga is taught as a spiritual practice, but for me I am not spiritual and I practice to relief myself from stress.

Day 9

Is yoga used as a form of meditation in your practice space(s)? If so, ow is meditation practiced? explained? If not, why do you believe meditation is absent from your "yoga" practice?   My practice on Tuesday there were less student practicing. We were in the same dimmed room next to the kitchen where it is loud with the staffs working. This time i brought one of my friend to do yoga. She thought it was hard, but really fun. I had the same feeling at first, but I told her it would get easier. Yoga can be a form of meditation. When I meditate, it would be relaxing, stress free, and quiet with no distraction. Doing yoga is similar minus the distraction from the kitchen but other than that it would be a perfect setting for yoga/meditation. I would do meditation if i'm ever have any stress or to calm myself down.

Day 8

How is defined in the context of your practice space(s)? What kinds of connections are made to this definition and your group practice? Are there connections made outside of the context of the practice space? On Tuesday 3/26 when I went to the Lodge to do Yoga, it was the same setting. Dimmed lights and this time not that many students were practicing. The kitchen was also loud. We practiced on breathing and other posture this time and was really relaxing. Whenever I do yoga, I feel relaxed and at that moment I do not think of anything like my studies, what I am going to eat for dinner. Being in a dimmed environment with no distractions is peaceful to me. When I am in my room I always have my lights dimmed or turned off and it would relax me. Another place that would keep me relaxed is in the gym when I have my songs playing. Doing yoga keeps me relaxed and calm.

Day 7

This week during the Tuesday practice there were less students than other weeks. The setting of the space we practice in was the same dimmed room with the loud noisy kitchen. We practiced some postures and breathing. As each week past by it is getting easier. I also become more relax after practicing. On Thursday Jenn Kretzer came to class to teach us Sivananda Yoga. In the beginning of the class we practiced breathing and then we done postures. Some of the posture were similar to the one I practice on Tuesday, but doing handstand I cannot do. Yoga is becoming really popular in our culture today. Different people are practicing now and some practice for fitness by sweating and other do yoga for therapy if they are sick, have body problems, or to relief stress.

Day 6

This year practicing yoga is a first for me. I was never interested in Yoga, but after practicing Tuesday nights at the lodge i am getting interested. I play basketball on my free time and lift weights at the gym. I usually do not stretch before playing or doing my routines. Before taking the yoga class, my lower back felt uncomfortable whether if I was standing, sitting, or lying down. After doing yoga from day 1 it relaxed my body and my lower back did not hurt as much. As I keep going my lower back did not hurt. As I take the yoga class, I feel relieved. I do not think of anything else and let everything go at that moment. My body feels relaxed and calm. During my practices at the Lodge, I learn to breathe inhaling and exhaling. As I continue to do the posture over and over again it is not as difficult as I first started.

Day 5

On Tuesday I returned to the Lodge to do Yoga. This time there were less students than other weeks that I've been to. The instructor dimmed all the lights again and continued our practice from the previous class practicing the breathing. There are students that are new and returning students similar to a community. In this lodge yoga community there are students who actually wants to learn and focused in their practice. When the kitchen staff were being loud, one of the students actually went and told them to quiet down while we were practicing. Doing yoga for me helps me stretch and after stretching I feel relaxed and my body does not feel as tense as I was beforehand. On Thursday my class I practiced Ashtanga with Loren Russo. In the beginning we were taught to inhale from the nose and exhale through the nose. Then we went through different steps of poses. In the beginning it was fast paced but doable. It progressed until we did poses that i couldn't do because i am not flexi