Day 8

How is defined in the context of your practice space(s)? What kinds of connections are made to this definition and your group practice? Are there connections made outside of the context of the practice space?
On Tuesday 3/26 when I went to the Lodge to do Yoga, it was the same setting. Dimmed lights and this time not that many students were practicing. The kitchen was also loud. We practiced on breathing and other posture this time and was really relaxing. Whenever I do yoga, I feel relaxed and at that moment I do not think of anything like my studies, what I am going to eat for dinner. Being in a dimmed environment with no distractions is peaceful to me. When I am in my room I always have my lights dimmed or turned off and it would relax me. Another place that would keep me relaxed is in the gym when I have my songs playing. Doing yoga keeps me relaxed and calm.


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