Day 4

On Tuesday, February 13th Annie Stiver came to class and we practiced Iyengar Yoga. This practice was different than Bikram Yoga. We focus more on the alignment of our body, breathing and the postures. We would stay in the same posture for a brief time. We also used props with practice like straps, blanket, blocks, and bolster. That night I also attended the class at the Lodge on campus. The practice we did this time is breathing and the posture we did was similar to the one we did in class. We also used blocks as props. I would consider a the Lodge somewhat of a ritual space. Stevee tried to make it a ritual space by dimming the light, setting up mats and using props. It didn't help with the noises from the kitchen of the staff workers. I feel like by dimming the light, would make it calm and peaceful.


  1. ok! would like to see you start to do more analysis of your practices! Think about how to describe them according to the journalling prompts as well as your own observations. :)


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