
Showing posts from February, 2018

Day 5

On Tuesday I returned to the Lodge to do Yoga. This time there were less students than other weeks that I've been to. The instructor dimmed all the lights again and continued our practice from the previous class practicing the breathing. There are students that are new and returning students similar to a community. In this lodge yoga community there are students who actually wants to learn and focused in their practice. When the kitchen staff were being loud, one of the students actually went and told them to quiet down while we were practicing. Doing yoga for me helps me stretch and after stretching I feel relaxed and my body does not feel as tense as I was beforehand. On Thursday my class I practiced Ashtanga with Loren Russo. In the beginning we were taught to inhale from the nose and exhale through the nose. Then we went through different steps of poses. In the beginning it was fast paced but doable. It progressed until we did poses that i couldn't do because i am not flexi

Day 4

On Tuesday, February 13th Annie Stiver came to class and we practiced Iyengar Yoga. This practice was different than Bikram Yoga. We focus more on the alignment of our body, breathing and the postures. We would stay in the same posture for a brief time. We also used props with practice like straps, blanket, blocks, and bolster. That night I also attended the class at the Lodge on campus. The practice we did this time is breathing and the posture we did was similar to the one we did in class. We also used blocks as props. I would consider a the Lodge somewhat of a ritual space. Stevee tried to make it a ritual space by dimming the light, setting up mats and using props. It didn't help with the noises from the kitchen of the staff workers. I feel like by dimming the light, would make it calm and peaceful.

Day 3

To most people yoga can be interpreted as an exercise, but other people who interpret as a practice. Someone who does not do it daily would call yoga an exercise, while the people who does it on a consistently will call it a practice. When I am relaxed and not distracted, yoga would empower me. Within the time limit I would be focused and let everything out. I have tried running, but it wasn't as calm as doing yoga. The Bikram Yoga was different from the Tuesday's classes at the Lodge. Today we did basic postures where you had to keep balance and be focused and also worked on breathing. I was not flexible and balanced which I was struggling. I learn that Bikram was to be taught in a high temperature room and thinking about that I do not think I could do that. 

Day 2 (1/30)

I went to the Lodge to do yoga again. This lesson we did more practices to release on body. After finishing yoga my body was loose and it felt comfortable. If I were to practice myself, I would choose an area that is quiet, and relaxing. Whereas the Lodge would not consider a "sacred place." The air conditioner would make noises every so often, the kitchen staff was talking loudly with the radio turned on, but the room was open enough and the lights were dimmed. Overall if there was no distractions the lodge would be a good place to practice yoga.